Computer science student, full stack and software developer with interest in robotics. I'm passionate about technology and I love to build amazing things.
An 6502 microcontroller emulator written in Java with an emulated screen.
An online PDF template editor with a CLI generator run "npx xpdf generate -h" for more information
An online league picker with shareable edit and results links where all data stay in your browser
A simple spring api to manage sport terrains allocations with a frontend using refine
A dynamic employment website for recruitment management. With an item based recommendation system (Rapport)
A mini e-commerce platform for online shopping
A platform for shared economy
A platform to learn matrix manipulation
Faculty of sciences Rabat, Morocco
Vice Team Leader at Enactus FSR
Faculty of sciences Rabat, Morocco
Faculty of sciences Rabat, Morocco
Faculty of sciences Rabat, Morocco
Diplôme de Master Spécialisé
Faculté des Sciences de Rabat
Filière : Informatique Appliquée offshoring
Diplôme de Licence d’Etudes Fondamentales
Faculté des Sciences de Rabat
Filière : Sciences Mathématiques et Informatique
Diplôme d'Etudes Universitaires Générales
Faculté des Sciences de Rabat
Filière : Sciences Mathématiques et Informatique
Bac Sciences Mathématiques B
Lycée Qualifiant Hassan II
Filière : Sciences Mathématiques et Informatique